Mud Drip


My pottery is primarily made form clay from my farm, just outside of Darlingford, MB.  This clay was used to make bricks which can still be seen in the distinctive creamy-yellow brick buildings in Darlingford, particularly the old school which is now a museum.  My husband digs it out with a back-hoe from layers about 9 feet down. I then I dry it, powder it, and sieve it through a fine wire mesh.  The resultant powder is then stored until I am ready to throw some pots.  Then, I add water and knead until the clay is the right consistency. 

The pottery from this process is earthenware which cannot be used in the dishwasher or micro-waved since it is quite porous. The pieces are made with food safe glaze and are usually made into items such as sugar bowls and decorate vases.

Pottery Gallery