mud streak

The Little Electron

The Little Electron in the Electronic Circuit

by Susan Crawford-Young

Many things are run by electronic circuits

Electronic circuits are made of a few basic parts and this book will tell you how they work.

Example Circuit – Make a sound and it turns on and sends a radio signal across the room (Sound activated transmitter from


The Electron and the Positive Charge

Little Electron

This is the little electron. He has a negative charge.

Positive Charge

This is the positive charge. The positive charge is bigger and heavier than the little electron. He is the electron’s friend.


Positive charges are a bit lazy and do not like to run fast. Usually they just like to stay where they are.

Electrons like to run around and around positive charges.

Where Can Electrons Run? One place they like to run is in wires.

This is a wire

Electrons run inside the wire.

...Email Susan to buy the eBook!

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